How do I schedule educational programs for my group that will qualify for pdh?
NCPI and its member companies offer educational workshops that qualify for pdh. We start by asking a few questions about your specific challenges and the experience of your group so we can present the material that is most useful to the whole group. To find out about scheduling, please contact one of our member companies to discuss the options and determine which program(s) will best meet the needs of your group.
How do I get a hydraulic calculator?
You can request a hydraulic calculator by clicking here and filling out the request form. Single units of the hydraulic calculator are provided with the compliments of NCPI member companies. For additional units, please contact our office at
What additional educational materials does NCPI have available?
To see our most popular technical publications and for a free download, click here
What online tools does NCPI make available?
TRENCH LOAD is our most popular program. It will calculate safety factors for various soil types, pipe sizes and standards, trench widths and depths and it can include live load calculations where appropriate.
HYFLOW and LEASTCOST are the other two popular programs. Visit our Toolbox page to explore the options.
Why should I get training from NCPI?
We are the definitive authority on all things VCP and we are devoted to your success designing, installing, inspecting and maintaining pipe. Not all pipe materials are created equally – find out why. All workshops from NCPI are offered at no charge and qualify for pdh.

For complete technical information, download our Manual or one of our Handbooks.
*Qualifies for PDH Credits